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  • Writer's pictureJill

Early Spring Garden Tour 2023!

I am really enjoying my garden this spring season. It was a long hot, dry, waterless summer - and it was difficult to garden, and even more difficult to enjoy the garden when all I did was worry about how much water I could use to keep things alive!

But now it's spring, and there's water! I try to plant lots of colorful perennials, so I don't have to do much annual planting, and then I am always surprised and delighted when the spring blooms arrive. Irises have always been my special delight.

Irises were my mother's favorite flower and I still have some of her plantings in my garden. Plus I have shared some of her irises with others so I know that her love of flowers is being enjoyed far and wide.

And, my granddaughter Coraline, who just turned two -- has "Iris" as her middle name. So you can see why I am so taken with this particular bloom.

Even so, having a favorite flower in the garden is little like having a favorite child. They are all beautiful in their own way, and each of them delights.

I feel very lucky this season to have such beauty in my own backyard. And I am happy to share, so you can enjoy it too!


Apr 18, 2023

I don't see why not! You'd just have to keep them pruned so they stay in scale for the pot! I'd do it!


Apr 18, 2023

Question: will Double Delight Roses grow well in pots? I love them but have no ground space to plant. Thanks!

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