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  • Writer's pictureJill

Christmas House Tour 2020!

I remember one time when my girls were little, we were taking a walk around the block at Christmastime as we often do after dinner. As we walked, we said hello to all the neighbors that were outside enjoying the winter holiday.

One of the neighbors at the end of the block told us that they enjoyed our Christmas yard display, and invited us inside their home to do a Christmas House Tour of their Christmas Village display.

I cannot explain to you the amazing sight that presented itself. This family collected Christmas Village Miniatures. (Many of them from Department 56, I think!) Every inch of their house, with the exception of the walkways, was decorated with Christmas Villages. There were twinkle lights, running water, skating rinks, carousels, trees, ferris wheels, and Santa and his many, many elves in their workshop at the North Pole-- every kind of miniature you can imagine, and not just one floor -- but TWO floors of Christmas Villages! I would guess over 100,00 pieces of Christmas Villages! Just think of 20 Hallmark movies all reduced to miniature, all sparkling, reminding us of every possible Christmas tradition.

It was breathtaking. But, to be honest, the first thing I thought of long did this take to put up? And how long does it take to take down? So, I actually asked the question. The lady of the house said that they started decorating in October, and left up the decorations until late January. And then it took them a month to undecorate.

Some of my more practical friends might think this is over the top. But, you know what? If it gave them joy, I say -- why not? First of all, we really enjoyed the display, so much so that I am telling you about it decades later. Second, this was their hobby, and something that they enjoyed sharing during the Christmas season. Everyone has their own brand of joy -- and as long as it's not harming anyone -- I think we need to honor that.

For example, I have been teased most of my life because of my devotion to Barbra Streisand and Barry Manilow. I just tell those people -- it doesn't hurt you -- and I'm not going to make fun of your passion for Metallica -- so just be kind, and be happy that there are so many different people with different passions - it makes the world a much more interesting place.

That's seems like good advice for the Christmas season, and all year through.


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