I have felt like I've been neglecting my garden this spring. So busy with the grandchildren, and, my back has really been a mess - so the two together have kept me from spending the time that I might have in the past. Gosh. I remember during Covid, I was in the garden every day. Now, I am lucky if I can get in garden once a week.
However, because lots of my flowers are perennials, and some of the annuals have miraculously overwintered successfully, my garden has beautiful color and texture this spring.
The irises that I have in the back yard have begun to bloom (unlike the renegades in the front yard that bloomed over the Thanksgiving & Christmas holidays) and they are enchanting as always.
There's so much joy in the garden this time of year. AND I bought three watering cans so the grands can help me when they visit.
Last time they were all here, I only had ONE "Giddy Buggy Watering Can" for all three grands. You can imagine how that went.
So yesterday I immediately remedied that! Next visit they will ALL have a watering can!