This Covid Quarantine is still rough. Robert and I are continuing to be very careful, and so we don't go out very much at all. I still don't go grocery shopping, I use Instacart exclusively, which is getting old. I don't go shopping for anything except to the nursery which is out of doors! We have everything delivered. In addition, Robert got his second Shingles shot on Friday, and hasn't been feeling 100%, so we really needed to get out and do something to lift our spirits.
Roger's Gardens fit the bill perfectly. It was out of doors, it was a garden (my favorite) and it had a holiday theme going on (also my favorite!) We have a large outdoor Halloween display at our house every year, so I thought that maybe we could find some more inspiration at Rogers!
It was a fun excursion, there is always so much variety at the nursery that I have a hard time controlling myself! There were black petunias, Miranda Lambert roses, camellias ready to bloom, and a million other things that I absolutely wanted in my garden. But I restrained myself. You will see how large the place is when you watch the video. It's just great fun to wander, which is exactly what I did.
Truth be told, even though it was outside, there were quite a few people there. And even though Robert and I were wearing masks, and trying to avoid close contact, it still didn't feel as safe as I would have liked. I wonder when we will feel safe just being outdoors amongst other humans. It's rather depressing, really. I think everyone we saw was wearing a mask, but some were not wearing them properly, and others did not really socially distance the way that is required. Blergh. At least we were outside.
Great. I just managed to depress myself even though we had a really good time. Ah well. Here's my recommendation if you want to visit Roger's. 1) Go early. Arrive at opening time, preferably on a week day) then you will avoid the Sunday afternoon crush which we had to negotiate. 2) Go early. Parking is limited. We had to park in a public lot quite far away and walk. It inhibited us from really buying anything because it would have been difficult to get it to the car. 3) Try to restrain yourself. There's so much to love's hard NOT to overindulge. 4) Don't depress yourself worrying about the way things are. They are going to get better. We just have to be patient, and embrace uncertainty. That's what gardeners do.