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  • Writer's pictureJill

Thanksgiving on the Horizon!

I don't think that we will have a big gathering this year, but I'm still excited to be with family, and decorate for the holiday. Plus, any excuse to use my china, any of my china, is a happily anticipated event.

And I begin today!

We will repurpose some of our Halloween decorations outside - I'll show you when it is done. And inside, I'll put out a few things on the mantle, the patisserie, and the credenza.

I'm laughing about laminating all my kid's school projects. Even if I never put them up again, I am glad that I have them, and my kids can throw them out when I'm gone. They make me happy, and that makes them worth the space that they take up in the bin.

Every year when I take out the decorations I've saved from years past, I remember all the lovely table settings, the family get togethers, the memories. So, in the end, I agree with Elizabeth. Opening up the holiday bins is an endeavor to be savored, and enjoyed.

More to come!

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