Well. I am certainly being ambitious. And I have never planted so many actual seeds. I generally buy starter plants at the nursery -- but this year, I am going to be adventurous. I did plant zinnias from seed last year and they turned out great. And my seed tape was a huge success. So, I have hope.
My next project is figuring out my watering system. We have an automatic sprinkler system that is rather unreliable. All of the little sprinkler parts that provide water to the various sections of my garden often pop out of the ground, or detach from their sockets, so I have too many dry patches that I need to tend to. I have tried to hand water my front garden with all the winter plantings, but I fear that I am failing at that as well.
So, I am going to tutor myself about how to remedy problem watering areas in my garden, and then head to the plumbing store and fix it myself!
A Can-Do Girl! That's me!