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  • Writer's pictureJill

Remembering Mom, Thanking Julia, and a Rainy Day Project

I need to get going on this project. I really like the idea that I will leave a record of my china and its history for my girls. Because even if they sell some of it - which I am sure they will want to do, it will be good for them to know where I got each piece, so that this can be a roadmap for what to keep (please!) and what to dispose of without giving away the family jewels!

I think I've told you that I don't have any true family jewelry of any real worth, because both Robert's and my family came from modest means, and I've never been very fond of expensive jewelry. But I do have family china, also none of which is worth a great deal, but is precious to us, and has been a part of many happy family celebrations. It represents fine things, sparkly things, and lovely memories, and so I treasure it.

The obvious difference between jewelry and china is that jewelry is much less likely to break. China is fragile, and is not able to easily withstand the challenges that time and nature brings. For example, much of my dear Aunt Anna's china that she willed to me was broken in the 1994 Northridge earthquake.

But I am lucky, because I know that though my daughters may not keep everything, they will share and cherish many pieces, and will have lovely memories of them.

I have talked to lots of people whose children absolutely will not have the family china in their home - and refuse to take it in! Just last week I was at the Good Will dropping off some clothing, and I popped in to the shop and saw a set of 6 beautiful Bernardaud Limoges violet rimmed dinner plates for $1.00 a piece! And there are hundreds of pages of china for sale on the internet and at auction.

And that's why I am so grateful to Julia, for creating a space for me to enjoy my mother's china. And the ability to pass that on to her and her beautiful sisters. Fingers crossed for tea parties with granddaughters too!

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