Meal making from the garden is such a delight. And you can just type in the ingredients into the internet that you have on hand ( like onions & chickpeas! ) and out comes a recipe!
I meant to make 2 batches of this recipe - one for dinner here, and one for my daughter Jenny and her husband Biff. But I lost the bandwidth, and so just one recipe this time. I promised Jenny that I would make another batch for her soon!
It was a super easy, and fast recipe, despite what my son-in-law said. Though, in our family, Matt is pretty extraordinary. He's a cook! He knows his way around the kitchen and often makes dinner for him and Jackie. That's a real difference from my household. My dear Robert just never got that skill - and I really can't remember a time when he has cooked dinner.
But he gets an A+ in ordering take-out!
Here's a link to the recipe!
I'll definitely try this recipe, but maybe with canned chickpeas:-)