Every year I try. I like my optimism. Some people just give up making New Year's Resolutions. But not me. I try every year. And I almost always fail. I do have one success story, though.
Ten years ago I decided that I would start keeping a diary. It's a " 5 Year One Line a Day Diary." There's only enough space for one or two sentences every day, but I find that that is enough to record the important personal or news events that have impacted my life, or my family's life.
And I have kept this resolution for 10 years!
Everynight for the last ten years I have written one or two lines in the diary. And it's so much fun to look back over the years and see what happened on that day in years' past.
So, this January 1st, I started my THIRD 5 year diary.
I count that a resolution kept.
I think it provides confirmation that continuing to make New Year's Resolutions is a good habit, even if your failure rate is high.
Because you never know when one will stick!