Mardi Gras is always a fun day -- even here in Southern California! We don't have traditional Mardi Gras parades, like they do in New Orleans. But those were cancelled this year anyways. And besides. We have sunshine! Thinking of all of you in freezing temps...saying prayers for your welfare!
Having pancakes for dinner was such a fun tradition when my daughters were growing up. They could never believe their good fortune that pancakes, syrup, and whip cream were on the menu! Sometimes I served eggs, but always bacon and fruit, so meat and produce were also involved.
I also remember one Mardi Gras, before we ate, I placed a different encyclopedia volume at every diner's place setting. And inside, I placed a marker so that each of us had to read a section of the encyclopedia that told a little bit of the history of Mardi Gras. Always a teachable moment. And one year, I bought lottery tickets for everyone in the family! We didn't win anything but the anticipation was great fun.
The day after Mardi Gras will also require some planning. Ash Wednesday. Robert and I are going to get "drive through" ashes at our Parish. It's been hard during quarantine, because we have not be able to attend Mass, except online. And I don't foresee us attending church services any time soon. But we've always said that faith doesn't require a building. So we are living that now.
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and, another tradition starts tomorrow. No meat on Fridays! As kids, we would always have tuna casserole. I can't make that for us now, because Robert forbids it. All those years of tuna casserole scarred him. So we'll have something else -- or maybe something vegetarian! And my Lenten practice this year will be to "do" something, instead of "give up" something as we did as children. I'm planning to write letters every day to friends and acquaintances. And I am telling you to hold me accountable. I'll tell you how it goes!