Birthdays are occasions to celebrate people you love. And there's no one we love more than our three daughters. We've had so many memorable birthday parties for each of them - and I've planned every single one.
It's a legacy that I hope I have passed down to my three daughters so that they can make as many fun memories as we did.
One of the key traits of our birthday parties, iwas that they were always in the back (or front!) yard, and they are always homemade. I've invited dance instructors, sports coaches, magicians, and scientists to guest at the parties, but at the end of the day - it was a Bickett Hubbell affair, with party planners Jill and Robert fully in charge!
I plan to continue to celebrate birthdays in a big way because it makes me happy to honor the ones I love with a well planned party. And we have even figured out a way to celebrate in these difficult Covid times. We are the zoom party family!!
Where there's a will there's a way!