
Sep 15, 20202 min

Mitzvahs in the Garden

It’s been a busy day. Baby Abby has been a little bit of a fussy eater, and it has taken time for her to get her rhythm. This, of course, has completely set her parents and grandparents out of rhythm! But today it’s possible that she may have turned the corner. She had two good meals, and her grandparents were able to visit and baby sit a little bit.

Babysitting consists of us sitting on the couch and looking at her, while her parents are approximately 10 feet away. We could do it all day! After she eats, she just lies on her back, and closes her angel eyes and naps. And that’s where we come in! Not napping (as we might normally do!), but ever vigilant, we (and her parents) monitor her every movement. And of course, take photos. She will have a very well documented life. I can guarantee that.

On days like today, when we are busy looking at Abby, it feels right to stay close, and so, no big garden tour today. But the garden tour that I did take today was actually more impactful than many of the estate gardens that I so love to visit. So I wanted to share it with you.

In the Airbnb residence where we are staying, the owners have a lovely small vegetable garden, a raised bed about 4’ x 8’. It’s well packed with lovely veggies, and you will see in the video how healthy they are.

When we arrived here, and I saw the little garden, I immediately wanted to explore, and water! So, Robert texted the owner and asked if he would like me to do that for them. He said that his wife would be so grateful if I would water her little garden patch.

Sometimes, doing for someone else, feels like a blessing. And that was certainly true in this case. While we are delirious with joy about our Abigail, honestly, there’s a little bit of stress that goes along with all of this. Is Abby ok? Is my daughter ok? Am I doing what they need? Is there something else we should be doing? Argh! I know my daughter and son-in-law feel the same way. We all want to do what is best for Abby and for each other, but this is all new, and we’re not really sure what that is.

At any rate, coming home to this little garden, watering, gazing at the new growth, and feeling glad that I was able to help a fellow gardener, was calming, and provided the perfect balm after the joy and busyness of the day. While our host believed that I was doing a mitzvah for him, I know that really it was a blessing for me. Being in the garden is always a blessing.